Dr. Jyotsnamayee Nanda, Director & CEO

She is having 25 years experience in different development sectors (both in Government and Non-government). During the journey she has worked with Govt. of Odisha as Expert for SC&ST Devt Deptt, W&CD Deptt, DoWR, NCDS as well as Organizations/ Companies like OXFAM-Novib, DFID, UNDP, IFAD, World Bank, BASIX, NALCO, NTPC, SCCL, NLC, OCL, AM/NS India etc. She has facilitated 154 Social Impact Assessment (SIA) studies adhering to RFCTLARR Act 2013, Seven nos of Socio-Economic Surveys (SESs) including Irrigation and Mining projects under RFCTLARR Act 2013 and CBA (A&D) Act 1957. She has also carrried out ten nos of Evaluation Studies and published 13 nos of thematic studies related to Land Acquisition, R&R, Migration and Health issues. In addition to this she has undertaken studies on Women Empowerment, Decentalization Policies, Empowering Grassroot Organizations, Need Assessment of Minorities, Gender Relation, Women Trafficing, Role of School Management Committees in Education for All, Water & Sanitation etc.